Scavenger Hunt
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Gag Success

How To Gag

Press and hold the Use Gag button when you currently have a gag.
This will cause the gag circle to appear around the character. This circle represents the range in which the character can gag other characters.
The gag circle is normally purple, but when another character comes into the gag circle the color will change to white.

When you release the Use Gag button you stop moving and start performing the gag.
In about half a second after releasing the Use Gag button the gag will be pulled. At this time the gag circle will change color again to tell if the gag was successful or not. A red circle means it was successful when a yellow circle means it was not. The successfulness of the gag is determined if any other character is with in the gag circle when it is pulled.
Gag Success

The Gags

Gags can be picked up by finding a rotating gag square and pressing the Search button when you are over it. Picking up a gag will replace your current gag if you have one.

Name Effect
Bag-o-coal This fills the gagged players inventory full of coal weighting them down and causing them to go to the drop box in order to continue searching.
Cream Pie This hits the gagged player right in their face obscuring their vision until it clears.
Snake Can This scares the gagged player so much that they lose all the items they are currently carrying.
Whipper-snapper This scares the gagged player has trouble performing normal actions like moving and searching. Instead of running one way you run in a different direction. This lasts for thirty seconds.
Whoopee Cushion By placing this gag somewhere on the ground it will become a random type of station. If someone searches the station all they find is the whoopee cushion which they have to carry in their inventory until they drop it off at the drop box.

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