All of the style, flare, spy gadgets, military toys, girls, action, and explosions of the James Bond persona. This will have a strong appeal to the teenage boy group.
All the fun of any first person shooter - explore around and shoot targets while avoiding getting shot by them.
The game play varies from mission to mission - regular shooting, car chasing, shooting at people from a moving car, and so on.
Tons of highly customizable multiplayer, the greatest feature of James Bond.
The environment is too blocky and dull. In the Rare version of James Bond, the guns moved around with the crosshair, the enemies dies differently depending on where you shot them, and they said quirky phrases like, "I don't wanna die.. I want my mamma.. oh he got me!" In this everything is just blockier and duller.
The James Bond and MGM music and sound effects are used in ways that are extremely cheesy.
Lack of storyline. There was a bad guy that was trying to take over the world and I had to use my spy gadgets and military toys to stop him. Oh man, so deep.
The Bond gawking at women thing has gone well beyond the point of rediculousness.
Like most video games, you are a lone soldier killing off an endless faceless army of thugs. It's fun, but pretty much pointless.