A very well done FPS/RPG.
1) Awesome level design. There are several different ways to go through a level, giving the player more choices for the way he wants to go through the level. This also avoids having the player getting lost or stuck.
2) I think the streaming into the codec is a great way to tell the story. It doesn't take any control away from the player - you are still playing the game while plot development is happening.
3) Realistic weapons are great for people who are fascinated with guns and the way they work.
4) A very compelling storyline, especially for conspiracy buffs. There are many twists, turns, and betrayals. One of my favorite parts was at the end, when you could choose between one of the three possible endings.
5) The game told you what the different possible endings were, rather than having you figure it out for yourself.
6) It had a very robust mix of First Person Shooter and RPG elements.
7) The bad guys have you do their dirty work and this conveys a feeling of conspiracy, betrayal, and darkness. Having the player go through this experience for herself is a great technique for conveying that emotion.
1) Very slow loading and saving times.
2) Dying too often (and having to suffer saving and loading times as a result).
3) The single tone voice acting is great for setting a dark mood, but it's bad for creating rich and emotional characters that the player cares about. I would rather have the latter.
4) The interface was very complex, and confusing at times. Using the augmentations nearly required that I take my eyes off the screen so I can see where the button is I'm supposed to push.
5) The game does not allow the player to get all of the abilities to become the ultimate super agent. If the game did allow for that, then there could be an increased fun factor, as well as more replay value.
6) High System Requirements.