Improved storytelling, cooler levels, and other than that, more of the same.
1) The cutscenes are improved and more advanced than in the first one.
2) The environments are very immersive and well drawn out. The turrain had ups and downs, narrow passages, wide open areas, scenery that comes to life and is part of the game and story (ie truck goes by and you grab onto it to sneak past guards, helecopter zooms overhead as you may your way down the train, etc.), and decorative objects like waterfalls.
3) Fairly addictive game play, just like the first one.
4) A wide array of different weapons, again like the first one. The weapons are the same as the first one also.
5) Intriguing subject for the plotline, certain to appeal to conspiracy buffs.
6) It has military jets, undercover spy equipment, an assortment of different guns, and other really neat techno gadgets. This will especially appeal to the male audience. This game is a cool toy for people who are facinated with undercover spy ops.
7) There are messages that stream in from the codec, and people that shout things as you play. This adds to the immersiveness of the environment immensly. It also makes the environment dynamic as it changes around you. There should be more plot development happening in this way. It happens more intricately in this game than any other recent game I've played.
8) The loading screen is nice. The game also loads pretty fast in general.
9) Now you can control two different characters.
1) Like many games nowadays, this game is a marriage of cinema and video game. Yes, the two are married, and they support each other throughout the game. What happens in the cutscene enhances what you do in the game, and vice versa. However, they still have yet to merge into one and produce an offspring. This is interactive entertainment, and watching a cutscene is as far from interactive as you can get.
2) The third person persepective works against you in many cases.
3) The story doesn't seem to have any deep, touching themes to it. It's more like, "Conspiracy! Conspiracy! Conspiracy!"
4) Shooting and endless supply of terrorists seems kind of pointless. Shooting targets is fun, but when those targets are people and you shoot them over and over and over, it just basically turns those people into dummies with no personality or importance. Other than having fun shooting targets, I don't see the point.
5) This game requires a huge amount of precision. It's really only fun when you memorize the level and know how to go through it step by step. The rhythm of the game is less free-flowing.
6) The guards say very generic things like, "There's logan, get him," and "We have a breach of security, the prisoner has escaped quarentine." When you hear the guards saying those same lines over and over it gets annoying.
7) The two characters have exactly the same controls, and play exactly the same way. They should each have their own unique style of fighting, as well as their own advantages and disadvantages.
8) The prerendered cutscenes are very low quality. The characters look very blocky, and have unrealistic, unimpressive movements.
9) Towards the end of the game, the difficulty level is so extremely hard that it's just unbelievable. You have to literally go through the levels step-by-step. If you make one tiny mistake you'll have to start over, and whenever you make a mistake, most of the time it is very unclear what you did wrong. You've got to be one lucky lepricon to make it through this game without dying several times.
10) The story tried to have the theme to it that you should stand up for what you believe in instead of just following orders, but it wasn't portraid very well. From playing Gabe for countless hours, it seemed like he believes in killing several hoards of people in order to get revenge on the government that tried to kill him and save his friend Lian Xing. This seems like a very unnoble thing to stand up for, and it is certainly something I cannot relate to. Perhaps Gabe "Rambo" Logan is the bad guy here, for killing so many without careful consideration first. Now, perhaps if stopping the Syphon Filter virus from spreading and killing millions was the emphasized goal, then maybe killing hoards of people would be more justifiable.