Tons of robot-blasting, platform-jumping, hazard-avoiding fun. Yep, it's Mega Man alright, and he's back in his 18th side-scrolling adventure.


1) Two different characters to control, each with their own advantages and disadvantages.

2) Each level has its own unique feature (ie destroy the bombs, destroy the train cars, the bike platform-jumping level, and so on).

3) The story adds some depth to what you're doing.

4) Each enemy has its own unique attack pattern, especially the bosses. This adds a lot of variety to the game play.

5) There are lots of things happening on the screen making the game very visually mesmerizing. The animations are also very smooth and professional-looking.

6) The robot-blasting, hazard-avoiding, and platform-jumping game play is highly addictive. It's has a very engaging rhythm to it.

7) There's lots of different pieces of armor to collect, each with their own unique abilities, advantages, and disadvantages.

8) Killer soundtrack. The wailing guitars and music beats also match the rhythm of the game play.


1) The sound that plays when the text is writing on the screen is a very annoying sound. Also, there shouldn't even be any text boxes, there should be voice acting, so that it will utilize more of the player's senses. You brain is designed to process sight an sound at the same time, and this game, as well as other games, should take advantage of that.

2) The text boxes coming up in the middle of game play are extremely annoying. I hate it when I'm just having fun, going through a level, smashing robots and avoiding death, and then this text box suddenly shows up and freezes everything so that Alia can say to me, "Watch out for those spikes Mega Man. You had better use the platforms to jump across". It makes the game play flow in an unnatural way.

3) There are too many things happenning on the screen. Although it is good to have a visual feast, when the special effects make it difficult to concentrate on the game play. Sometimes I die because I couldn't see an enemy or hazard because it was blocked or covered by some explosions or energy balls.

4) Because this is such a fasted-paced action-oriented game, I would like there to be a faster transition from death to life.

5) In order to truly get the most enjoyment out of this game, you need to know each level by heart, otherwise you are likely to die several times before you get it right. Unless you're a die hard Mega Man fanatic, and are completely used to the Mega Man game flow.

6) Each character has their advantages for each level, but you don't know which will be advantagous until after you have played the level a few times.

7) The menu interface between levels wasn't done very well, especially with Alia talking to you all the time.

8) The story was pretty lame. But hey, it's Mega Man, what do you expect?

9) The 16 hours to collision thing was a bad idea. It makes the player feel rushed and pressured. I am playing this game for fun, I want to be able to take my sweet time and enjoy myself.