
There are a lot of quirks in this game. A laxitive called Butt-Flo is a perfect example. The Mukodons that giggle when you fart, the whole concept of going on a quest to get the last can of Galliar from a big coorperate entitity, the cans of soda that give you special powers, etc. This game definately has a niche.

Munch, Abe, and their peoples start out being oppressed by some foreign entity. Then they embark on a quest to thwart the injustice. Good overlying plot structure.

Gamespeak gives the gameplay a social aspect. It's also much better than the Gamespeak setup on PlayStation. Still a little complicated though. The cooperative gameplay between Munch and Abe also gives it a little more of a social aspect.

Running around and collecting Spooce is fun. The Spooce is also arranged in various patterns and shapes, so it has some variety.

Reloading after death is instantaneous.

Lots of variety. With every new area there is a new activity to do.


The persona and artistic feel of the game is very nichey. It lacks mass-market appeal.

Gamespeak is a little easier to use this time, but it's still too complicated. I find myself looking at the buttons too much.

As you progress through the game, it continues to get more and more repeditive. Every level has the same architectural designs, the same pure moods background music, and the same tasks (saving Mudokons, getting execs to donate money, jumping puzzles, crane operation, picking up people and throwing them over obstacles, possessing enemies, etc).

The guy that shows up on the circles to tell you about the next mission is really boring. There should be some cinematography in there to make that part of the experience more interesting.

Collecting Spooce to open doors is a strange concept. Doors that open when an executive passes out from squandering his money are also strange.

The most entertaining and emotionally involving moments happen during the cutscenes, not the game. The plot development during the gameplay is slow, boring, and monotanous.

The recentering with the white button was a good idea, although it would have been nicer to have the right trigger do that so I can untilize more fingers. With this setup I have to recenter and jump with my thumb alone.

A lot of the animations and characters movements could be improved. They seemed somewhat unnatural, and don't look cool enough. Most of the player's abilities aren't that interesting.

The Gamespeak is often times out of context. Usually all I want them to do is come, stay, attack, etc, but Abe has to say things like, "There's mah buddy." The manner in which he says it implies that he is feeling a certain way. Actually, Abe should be feeling exactly the way I'm feeling, because I'm controlling him, therefore he is me. The things he says are wrong. It doesn't work.

Abe is a lot more useful in most levels, and I end up using him more often. Isn't this supposed to be Munch's Oddysee? I should be playing and using Munch more often.

I'm on a quest to save the green farting geek Mudokons. Ok...