Developed and Published by: Blizzard Entertainment | Played: 09/08/03
Very innovative, as all Sims game are. Nobody has ever made a game where you work to become a superstar before, and have it be fun at the same time.
This expansion pack is more than just a bunch of extra doo dads. This time there are new objectives for the player to fulfill, and a whole new way to play the game.
It has all the details that anyone would need when becoming a superstar. The social interactions like Give Autograph, Talk about Biz, and others that are very appropriate to the industry. The obsessed fan that comes to your house. The butler you can hire. There are a lot of details put in that make becoming a superstar a realistic experience.
Plagued with all the problems of all Sims games. The tediousness of maintaining relationships, as well as making them in the first place, is a major tedious task. Having to tell them to get up in the morning to go to work, go to the bathroom when their bladders are full, and go to sleep when they are really tired are other tedious tasks to do that aren't as much fun, and you have to do them all the time.
With these primitive graphics that are running on an engine that is four years old, the game really bogs down way too much. I am runninga 1.6 GHz Pentium 4 with 256 MB RAM, well above the 450 MHz Pentium II with 128 MB of RAM minimum requirement, and it still bogs down and gets choppy.