Developed by: Somebody | Published by: Universal Interactive
You have some cool abilities: dash like a bull, jump and glide, breath fire, lightning, bubbles, snow, and other elements.
The game play never gets too monotaneous. No matter when you are, you're just a few steps away from some gems to collect, some obstacles to jump over, some bad guys to kill, some pots to bust open, etc. Nice stream of gratifications.
Each area has a unique theme, and the theme also ties in pretty well with popular culture: a japanese dojo area, a farm country UFO area with cow abductions, etc.
Decently scripted personalities. There was a wide array of different personalities throughout the game.
Too buggy.
Graphics are too far behind the times. The frame rate is much too choppy, the environments lack detail, the polycount is way too low, and load times between areas take much too long.
Sound track is much too simplistic and uninspiring. Sound effects sound like they were hacked together in a couple of hours.
The tension between the protagonist and the antagonist isn't felt anywhere in the game except for a few cutscenes. This game you just go around areas collecting stuff. Nothing particularly new or interesting about that. Basically no plot at all.
There is too much stopping of game play so that you're gibberish-talking dragonfly friend can tell you how to play the game. Too much tutorial explanations, taking you out of the immersion of the game.
There's nothing particularly better about this game that sets it apart from other games in it's genre. Other games that surpass this game: Star Fox Adventures, Super Mario Sunshine, Jak and Daxter, Maximo, Oddworld: Munch's Oddysee, Ico, Luigi's Mansion, Jet Set Radio Future, Spider-Man, Sonic Adventure 2, Kingdom Hearts.