Developed by: Amusement Vision | Published by: Sega | Played: 1/07/03


Fun, catchy, intuitive, suck-you-in-instantly arcade feel. It really feels like a well-made, instantly addicting arcade game.

Fuzzy characters that Sega is famous for. All well-made, put together well. Very distinctive, and you can tell what they symbolize quickly. The bad guy is fun, the good guys are fun, it's all fun fun fun.

The soundtrack is very professional and fits in very well with the arcadeness of this game. It's jammin'. It gets you pumped for fun monkey action.

The environments are very kinetic with everything moving around in a big way, and it goes with the soundtrack really well. The tracks all move around a lot are are cool to look at. The environment, the music, the chimpy characters, it makes everything really fun.

Top notch graphical quality. The backgrounds have a sense of awe, vastness and complexity that's really cool.

When the credits roll, its a game. That's really neat. This game has the best credits that I have ever experienced.

Plenty of multiplayer party-game fun. There are so many different multiplayer things to do, and they're all fun.


Not much beyond arcade fun. There's no emotional involvement, it doesn't suck you into another world, the story is barely comparable to something you would see on saturday morning cartoons, and the game relies heavily on instant gratification and quick action. This is good for a few quick minutes of fun, but not a good thing to play for hours on end. Not a great escape in the least.

The game play is mostly twitch-oriented, which isn't good for players that like to play games to unwind, or players that can't deal with face-pounding frustration.

Some of the levels seem like passing them is almost entirely by luck.

Gibberish instead of English.