-The voices transmitting into Gabe's codec were very nicely done, and are a nice storytelling technique. It makes the player feel more immersed in the game. I like this idea much better than cut scenes.
-Reloading after you die is very fast and keeps the game going, and encourages the player to keep playing.
-This game requires an immense amount of precision. This happens especially towards the end of the game when all of your enemies have flak jackets and you have to aim for the head. Precision is good, but when this much precision is required to make progress it increases the potential for the player to get frustrated. If the player is frustrated, chances are, he is not having fun.
-The level design called for the player to use a different weapon depending on which the situation he was in. Every weapon was useful in some way. This is something that I don't see very often in most games.
-The pistol came with a silencer, but the enemies can still hear you when you shoot with it. The silencer should give the player the advantage to silently take out enemies. That way, the weapon would have both advantages and disadvantages. It would also allow the player to choose which kind of weapon to use depending on their personality.
-The voice acting was flat and emotionless. There was no drama in this game at all. This made the story very dull and boring.
-The mission objectives were displayed on the codec, but a lot of times the player didn't know what he had to do to complete that objective. This almost completely defeats the purpose of having mission objectives.
-The game was too short. However, it's about the same length as the other games in it's genre, so I suppose 15-20 hours is acceptable.
-The characters were flat and had no depth. I didn't know what their motives and feelings were.
-The different mission objectives gave some variety to the game play. Sometimes you would have to heal sick people, sometimes kill the bad guy, or sometimes just get to point B.
-Going down a quiet passageway and having somebody shoot at you before you know they're there is somewhat annoying, and interrupts the natural flow of the game.