The plot was exteremely hard to follow, the characters were unrelatable, and the game spent way too much time on cinematics, but the Super Robots were kinda cool.
1) The story deals with many adult-oriented themes such as drugs, alcohol consumption, betrayal, greed, prostitution, multiple personalities, and so on. The plotline is also very political about the different subjects. This does something that other RPGs fail to do.
2) Your adventure takes you to many wonderous places that only Squaresoft knows how to create. Square continues to demonstrate its ability to produce top-notch artwork.
3) Eighty hours of game play gives the player more than her money's worth.
4) The super robot gears were cool. The combo battle system was pretty cool too. When you press the buttons to enter a combo, it has this rhythm to it. Then when the combo is executed, it looks cool.
5) The story pulls you in like a mystery novel. Well, kind of. Other RPGs don't do this so well. Then again, an average mystery novel or movie would blow this right out of the water.
6) The gear battling was a cool mini-game. Very cool. It also tied in very closely to the plot, whereas in some other games the minigames don't tie in as well, like in Conker's Bad Fur Day when you have to shoot the letters on the rotating wheel to spell out "OPEN" to make a door open.
7) The free-floating movements of the camera give the player a sense of freedom to roam about this wonderous world. The camera also moves at a nice fast speed.
8) The town at the beginning of the game allows the player to get used to the controls.
9) The running speed and the ability to jump also make the player fell more free to roam around the xenoworld.
10) Being able to walk around while people talk to you also adds to the feeling of freedom.
11) The artwork has an edgy yet comfortable feel to it. It is very mass market. There's something about it that gives it a coolness factor.
12) The super robots are sure to make this appeal to the Japanese market... although that market is already overcrowded with Super Robot Gundam Products.
13) Standing on people's heads is fun!
1) Squaresoft seems to forget that this is a PLAYstation, rather than a WATCHstation. Cinematics are important for plot development, but in this game some take fifteen minutes to an hour to complete, which is just rediculous. Some are so long, that the designers decided to put save spots in the middle of them. I hope that Square will someday realize that they are traveling down the wrong path as a game maker.
2) Complicated game mechanics and steep learning curve for non-RPG players.
3) Random Battles.
4) Loading times are a little annoying.
5) Having to rotate the camera manually gets annoying after awhile. I had a similar experience with camera rotation in Breath of Fire IV and Grandia, which I also didn't like.
6) The game shows you a lot of really cool technology (super robots, flying saucers, etc.) but it doesn't explain how any of it works until long after you have been introduced to it. This is bad science fiction.
7) I renamed the Weltall to a different name, and when I played the battle gear game later the name wasn't changed there. Inaccuracy! Shame shame shame.
8) The story was pretty hard to follow. It often detracts from the main plotline, and does not have any strong central characters that the player can relate to. The game shows you some mysterious things that make you think, "Oh, what's that?", but the characters don't wonder the same thing, at least not for very long. It is very inconsistent.
9) The story pays too much attention to what is going on around the characters, and not enough time paying attention to what is going on inside them. It was difficult to tell what types of personalities each character had, and what their motivations were.
10) The battle system is too simplistic. There has very little strategy to it. Fighting an enemy, or a boss, is just a matter of always attacking with the strongest attack, and healing when you need to. Or at least it is throughout most of the first thirty to fourty hours.
11) In Grandia, the game I played before this one, the pictures of the characters faces that are within the text boxes would change their expressions to convey they tone of voice that the character was using. This game does not do that. All of the face pictures have the same blank facial expression. The sprites don't even move their arms around or anything like they do in Final Fantasy.
12) The story was the only thing about this game that was able to surpass Final Fantasy, and even then it is still a maybe. Everything else Final Fantasy did better: spell castings, battle system, graphics, FMV sequences, and so on.
13) The battles where you're supposed to loose are really stupid. Giving the player an objective that he cannot achieve is a bad idea.
14) There are far too few minigames. With games like Donkey Kong 64 and The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, which have minigames at almost every turn, it makes this game seem sub-standard.
15) Eighty hours of game play does give you your money's worth, but eighty hours just seems too long if you ask me. Especially when you have a game that is basically the same thing all the way through. It gets kind of repeditive and dull... and for eighty hours!
16) When they started using Super Robots as one of the main concepts for this game, it seemed like something new for the RPG genre, even though it is something that pop culture has seen before (in fact seen too much if you ever watch Anime or Japanese TV). But when the robots got to the point were you had a group of robots that would combine to transform into one big robot, that's where I drew the line. Could we see some originality please? Give me a new experience, something that I haven't seen before.