Welcome to my online 3D art and animation portfolio (NANIORETRO), which stands for NEW ANIMATION ORDER RETRO! Since high school its been a passion of mine to work on 3D graphics and animation. Making my own artwork come alive is well worth the time spent slaving away. The past two years my back has been bent and broken at a CG Boot camp called Digipen. As you can see the effort was well worth it, my skills are tight and speedy. After Digipen, I spent five months at Cat Daddy Games. There, I was able to get some professional experience and a product under my belt (SKATEPARK TYCOON). Heres A little about myself in general. My hobbies include skateboarding, snowboarding, 3D character design and animation, drawing, videogames, camping and hiking, roleplaying (if I ever get the time) and homebrewing. Currently I live in Bellevue Washington. Before I came out to Washington, Minnesota was my home town. Back there I was in a killer punk rock band called THE WHISKEYDICKS. If I hadn't gone to Digipen, I'm sure I'd be out on tour with my old band right now. I wanted to take this opportunity to thank everyone who helped me out these last few years: Mom, Dad, Catie and Megan. To all my friends back home: $eforeal (in the house) Dimitrious, Jay, Ryan, Rusty, Chris, Tim and Christin. To All my teachers and classmates: Kari, Abbott, Jay, Melvin, Joel, Raymond, Jim, Tito, Paul, Byron, Chris, Nick, Ryan, Ed, Sue, Daniel and Matt. Anyway, here are some pics of myself skating (COMING SOON) ENJOY!!!!!
Career Objective: To acquire a job or internship in 3D animation and Graphics. Graphics Experience/ Education: Cat Daddy Games: Bellevue, WA Tasks included Level design, architectural modeling and textures for SKATEPARK TYCOON. (5 month period, May 01'- Oct 01') Digipen: Redmond, WA, (Associates of Applied Arts Degree in 3D Computer Animation) Worked on 3DS Max, Maya3, concept art (character design), life drawing, traditional 2D animation, cinematography, sound design and creative writing. (Sept '99-May '01) School of Communication Arts: Minneapolis, MN 6 month course in Softimage, 4 months in 3DS Max, 2 months of basic 2D graphics. (Fall '97-Winter '98) Interactive Personalities: Minneapolis, MN (High school internship) Learned basic modeling, morphing and animation techniques with 3Ds release 4.
(5 month period, '95 and 96') Creative Visuals: Minneapolis, MN (High school internship) Spent time improving skills in Photoshop and Illustrator. (3 months during '95) Software: OSs: 3DS Max Maya 3 Windows NT Photoshop After FX Unix Illustrator Dreamweaver 3 Macintosh