Objective To be an integral part of a dedicated team working on cutting edge games helping to create killer graphics for console or PC titles that set industry standards.

Job Related Experience Present
Haste software

Working with an independent development group creating animation cycles for a project using the Quake 3 engine.

TA Digipen Institute of Technology

Assisted the teaching of 3D modeling to programming students. Furthering their understanding of the program and increasing my problem solving abilities.

Education 1999-2000
DigiPen Institute of Technology
Redmond, WA
Associate of Applied Arts Degree in 3D Computer Animation

Executed six 3D Studio Max projects within a fifteen-week period while taking a full class load developing my ability to manage multiple tasks and meet deadlines.

Excelled in 3D modeling and animation placing me at the top of the class.

Currently working with a group of programmers on a side project furthering my knowledge of low polygon modeling, tileable textures, and functioning within a team.

Learned traditional 2D animation deepening my knowledge of animation.

Tools 3D Studio Max 2.5 - 3.1, Character Studio 2.2, Photoshop 5.0, Q3Radient (Quake 3 Editor)

Contact Info E-mail rtrowbri@venus.digipen.edu

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