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Heroes - Units - Buildings



The headquarters is where all recruiting of basic units and heroes occurs, and it also stores 50 food.  Without this building, you are effectively dead.


The farm is where crop weed is processed into edible food.  Buying and selling of food happens through here, and this is where basic units can be upgraded to farmers.  Finally, it also stores 50 food.


Silos are cheap food storage.  They store 50 food.


Towers shoot at enemies that come into range, and they do have very good range.  They have good damage and a lot of hit points, but are also very expensive, and don't hold up well against large numbers of enemies.


This is where basic units can be upgraded to footmen.


This is where basic units can be upgraded to riflemen.

Chop Shop

This is where basic units can be upgraded to cavalry.

Mad Skills Programmers DigiPen Institute of Technology